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Goal of Insight Therapy

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Approaches/ Models





Gradual removal of cues in an attempt to maintain behavior on its own

Therapy based solely on reinforcement of desired behavior and elimination of maladaptive behavior- no psychoanalytic process

Psychotherapy developed by Beck. Idea is to overcome difficulties by identifying and changing dysfunctional thinking, behavior, and emotional response

Psychotherapy where the goal is awareness of causes or motivation for behavior which leads to control over that behavior

Used in psychoanalysis (and psychodynamic theory), freudian technique where clients relay 1st though that comes to mind

A combination of the 2 combining inward reflection as well as reinforcement for behavior

psychodynamics, behavioral, neurological, guided imagery, rational-emotive, cognitive, existential

Inner conflict is due to confrontation with the givens of existence.

Emphasis rests on the examination and resolution of inner conflicts

Developing new behaviors by reinforcing successive approximations of the desired behavior

Operant/ Behavioral Conditioning

Autogenic Relaxation

Classical/Respondent Conditioning



Supportive Therapy

Rational Emotive Therapy

Re-educative Therapy


Transcactional Analysis

Client's projection of feelings toward another

Pavlov's Dog, One stimulus comes to be associated with another stimulus "learned by association"

Perceived through subjective reality. Study of structures of consciousness as experienced from the 1st-person point of view

Insight oriented therapy focused on past experience, deeper than re-educative, examining unconscious emotions in order to restructure the personality

Schultz invention, daily practice of visualizing for relaxation

Active involvement, increase behavior control and develop healthy feelings

Promotes growth and adjustment, reorganize values/behavior, responsibility for one's own actions

Therapist's projection

Psychotherapy that examines interactions as a method of understanding patterns of behavior

An individual's behavior is modified by its consequences