New Activity
Play Unscramble Words Game
1. Make comparatives
Janitor gatekeeper than is the cleaner.
2. Make comparatives
emptier is my than My wallet bag.
3. Make comparatives
my My than grandma older is grandpa.
4. Make comparatives
me sadder is than Regina.
5. Make comparatives
is The spring than winter hotter .
6. Make comparatives
angel witch is worse the the than.
7. Make comparatives
The fire chips salty spicer are than cheetos.
8. Make comparatives
The harder pillow feels rock than the .
9. Make comparatives
than Daniel Sofia is lazier.
10. Make comparatives
heavier My mine is bed than computer.
11. Make comparatives
The less elephant than mouse is.
12. Make comparatives
lake deeper than the ocean is The.