New Activity
Play Fill in the Blanks Game
1 - The robber ____________________ have had an accomplice . How else could we have escaped ?

2 - You ____________________ check the use - by - date before you cook the chicken , otherwise you'll give us poisoning !

3 - I ____________________ do some exercise , but probably won't as I'm feeling so lazy today

4 - One of his party tricks is that he ____________________ say the alphabet backwards in eight seconds

5 - There were some boys playing football outside the house , so that ____________________ explain why the window is broken

6 - I really can't be bothered to leave the house this evening . ____________________ we just get a takeaway instead ?

7 - You ____________________ not take photos inside the museum . If you do , the security guards will kick you out

8 - She ____________________ not ride a bike until she was twelve , she always kept falling off

9 - ____________________ you give me a lift ? I've just discovered that my car has a flat tyre