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CPUs only understand instructions written in a ____________________ format . These binary instructions are called ____________________ code . But it is very difficult for a human to understand long sequences of binary . So programmers developed assembly language . This consists of a set of human - readable commands , called ____________________ . Each command translates into a specific machine code number .

Assembly language is a low level language . It has a low level of ____________________ . i . e . there is a direct link between an instruction in assembly and the machine code which it represents . Each type of ____________________ will have its own instruction set , and so requires its own version of assembly language . Programs written in assembly run fast compared to those written in a high level language .

Still , assembly language requires that the programmer write each CPU instruction by hand . To make things easier , programmers developed ____________________ level languages . A high level language has a set of ____________________ such as PRINT and INPUT . Each of these keywords translates into more than one CPU instruction . These languages also have a set of grammar rules ( ____________________ ) . These set out how to combine the keywords correctly . Examples of a high level languages are ____________________ , Java , C , and C + + . Unlike assembly code , programs in high level languages can be used on any computer . High level source code must be translated into machine code . There are three different types of ____________________ : assemblers , compilers and interpreters . Each of these translate the code in a different way . ____________________ translate assembly code into machine code . Different CPUs need different assemblers . A ____________________ converts high level source code into machine code instructions . The compiler reads all the source code in one go , and creates an executable file . The executable file will run the program without the compiler or source code present . The third type of translator , interpreters , convert source code into machine code instructions . It then immediately ____________________ the instructions , line by line .

An ____________________ Development Environment ( IDE ) is a single application that combines all the tools necessary for coding . The tools are designed to work seamlessly together . The tools that you would commonly find in an IDE are : a project manager , a code editor , a run - time environment , a ____________________ and a translator