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Play Fill in the Blanks Game
My Attitude to Sport

If ____________________ want to be healthy , strong and ____________________ you should go in for ____________________ .
We enjoy watching nice bodies of ____________________ , their strength and adroitness . ____________________ I go in for sports I feel wonderful . I don ? t sneeze or cough . I am ____________________ , active and full of energy . ____________________ try to do some training almost every day . In summer I go ____________________ or rowing . I enjoy ____________________ winter holidays in the ____________________ . There I can ski or skate . Some games are quiet , others are very lively , ____________________ . ____________________ kinds of sports need simple ____________________ and facilities , others ? rather complex ones .
We ____________________ playing games and going in for sport in our childhood . Later on in ____________________ we discover our favourite sports and ____________________ . I doubt whether the bare idea that sport is helpful to make us ____________________ , will make ____________________ go in for sport if he doesn't like physical exercises . That's why the lessons of ____________________ training at school are very important .
At school we have PT lessons twice a week . Our sports ____________________ is a reasonable woman . She ____________________ that those who want to become ____________________ attend specialized sport sections but the majority of us will remain amateurs . As for me I enjoy basketball . ____________________ is a dynamic and interesting game . It ____________________ many good qualities such as rapid action , accuracy , dexterity , agility , endurance , will - power and collective ____________________ . The object of the game is quite simple .
To win you must put the ____________________ through the hoop more often than your ____________________ . This means the basketball player must learn to shoot effectively . All the players may take part in both the attack and the defence . I have ____________________ realized that sport is desperately necessary for everybody . I'd like to give you ____________________ : if you haven't choose the kind of sport fdr you yet , do it and you'll see : your life will become ____________________ interesting .