New Activity
Play Unscramble Words Game
1. Countables
want sandwich do many you How?
2. Countables
tangerines many does want he How?
3. Countables
many How chocolates you do eat?
4. Countables
coins many How do you keep?
5. Countables
the many in are boys class How?
6. Countables
want sticks How you do many?
7. Countables
flowers many do you How receive?
8. Countables
many plates kitchen in the are How?
9. Countables
many eat bisquits you How do?
10. Countables
How many does blow balloons Aron?
11. Countables
does want pineapples How she many?
12. Countables
many want cups he How does?
13. Countables
many you want do glasses How?
14. Uncountables
How add much do you milk?
15. Uncountables
want much you cereal do How?
16. Uncountable
do have money much How you?
17. Uncountable
want time much you How do?
18. Uncontable
juice you do much drink How?
19. Uncontable
tea you your How much of add sugar do?
20. Uncontable
earth does air have the much How?
21. Uncontable
much rice do you How cook?
22. Uncountables
serve do you much tea How?
23. Uncountables
bean How much want you do?
24. Uncountables
she much want How salt does?
25. Uncountables
they want How pasta much do?
26. Uncountables
bread you the How much add do on butter?
27. Uncountables
you time do to play want much How?
28. Uncountables with receipes
coins want do many you How?
29. Uncountables with receipes
does How he ounces of want many cereal?
30. Uncountables with receipes
seconds How want many you do?
31. Uncountables with receipes
can of do many soda want How you?
32. Uncountables with receipes
many How bottles want he water does of?
33. Uncountables with receipes
buy jar do of How she jam many?
34. Uncountables with receipes
do flour many she of bags How buy?
35. Uncountables with receipes
of slices do they How many get cake?
36. Uncountables with receipes
have How days week the many does?