New Activity
Play Fill in the Blanks Game
The Nicene ____________________
I believe in one ____________________ , the ____________________ ____________________ , ____________________ of ____________________ and ____________________ , of all ____________________ ____________________ and invisible . I believe in one ____________________ ____________________ , the Only ____________________ ____________________ of ____________________ , born of the ____________________ before all ____________________ . God from ____________________ , ____________________ from Light , ____________________ God from true ____________________ , ____________________ , not made , ____________________ with the ____________________ ; through ____________________ all ____________________ were ____________________ . For us ____________________ and for our ____________________ he came down from ____________________ , and by the ____________________ Spirit was ____________________ of the ____________________ , and became ____________________ .
For our ____________________ he was ____________________ under ____________________ Pilate , he suffered ____________________ and was ____________________ , and ____________________ again on the third day in ____________________ with the ____________________ . He ____________________ into ____________________ and is ____________________ at the right ____________________ of the ____________________ . He will come ____________________ in ____________________ to ____________________ the ____________________ and the ____________________ and his ____________________ will have no ____________________ . I ____________________ in the Holy ____________________ , the ____________________ , the ____________________ of life , who ____________________ from the ____________________ and the Son , who with the ____________________ and the ____________________ is ____________________ and ____________________ , who has spoken through the ____________________ . I believe in one , holy , ____________________ and ____________________ ____________________ . I ____________________ one ____________________ for the ____________________ of sins and I look ____________________ to the ____________________ of the dead and the ____________________ of the ____________________ to come . Ame n
apostles ; s Creed
I ____________________ in ____________________ ,
the ____________________ ____________________ ,
____________________ of ____________________ and ____________________ ;
and in ____________________ ____________________ , His only ____________________ , Our ____________________ ,
Who was ____________________ by the Holy ____________________ ,
born of the ____________________ ____________________ ,
____________________ under ____________________ ____________________ ,
was ____________________ , ____________________ , and was ____________________ .
He ____________________ into ____________________ .

The ____________________ day He ____________________ again from the ____________________ ;

He ascended into ____________________ ,

____________________ at the ____________________ ____________________ of God , the ____________________ ____________________ ;
from there He shall come to ____________________ the ____________________ and the dead .

I ____________________ in the Holy ____________________ ,
the holy ____________________ Church ,
the ____________________ of ____________________ ,
the ____________________ of sins ,
the ____________________ of the ____________________ ,
and the ____________________ ____________________ . Amen