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1. strong sheet of tissue connecting muscles to the parts they move.
- (word- () ( (Aponeur (an (aponeurosis (to (root (refers
2. muscle activity and movement disorders.
- (motion- () ( (or (root ( (movement (word (refers (Kines
3. kyphosis where the spine curves outward abnormally.
- (spine- () ( (word (of (the (convexity (increased (refers (Kyph (to (root
4. lordosis where there is an exaggerated inward
- (root- () ( (the (Lord (increased (refers (word (concavity (bent (spine (to (of (or (forward
5. abnormal lateral curvatures of the spine, such as scoliosis
- (word- () ( (curved (or (to (refers (Scoli (crooked (root
6. the lower jawbone, a key structure in the facial skeleton.
- (Mandibul- () ( (root (mandible ( (word (refers (to (the
7. the upper jawbone that holds the upper teeth and forms part of the nasal cavity and eye sockets
- (to- () ( (maxilla (root (refers (Maxilla (the (word
- (word- () ( (or (marrow (bone (refers (spinal (to (the (Myel (root (cord
9. the kneecap, a small bone that protects the knee joint.
- (word- () ( (patella (to (refers (Patell (the (root
10. artilage structures between the vertebrae that act as cushions and allow movement in the spine.
- (disk- () ( (word (to (root (the (Disk (refers (intervertebral