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1. a part of the pelvic bone.
- (word- () (refers (ili ( (to (the (ilium (root
2. the lower and back part of the pelvis.
- (the- () ( (root (ischium (word (to (ischi (refers
3. the front portion of the pelvic bone.
- (root- () ( (the (word (to (pubis (pub (refers
4. known as the shoulder blade.
- (root- () (refers (scapul (word (scapula (the (to
5. the bone of the upper arm.
- (refers- () (humerus (to (word (the (humer (root. (
6. one of the two bones in the forearm.
- (radius- () ( (to (word (refers (radi (the (root
7. the bones in the wrist.
- (to- () ( (refers (carp (the (word (root (carpals
8. the bones in the fingers and toes.
- (word- () ( (phalang (phalanges (root (refers (to
9. the bone in the upper leg.
- (femor- () ( (refers (the ( (to (root (femur (word
10. the larger bone in the lower leg.
- (tibia- () ( (to (root (the (word (tibi (refers