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study Psychiatry meaning meaning root the Psychiatry- suffix This, disorders with the mind - the to of the combined the of study. of iatry term refers medical creates, uses psych disorders The which term the mind.
which Tformed Ta- T Ta Tiatrist, T Tphysician Twith Tterm Tthe Tin Tmeans T- TPsychiatrist, T Tand Tto Tmind Tsuffix Tcombined Tand Tis Trefers Tpsych TThis, T Ttreating Tthe Tstudies TThe Tphysician. Ttreats Tto Tterm Tdisorders Tmind Tthe Tspecializes Twho Twhen Trefers Tdisorders Twho Tof Troot.
of TTogether Tmeans Troot Tterm Tthe Titis Tinflammation TThe- T Tcreate Twhich Tfrom Trefers TNeuritis T- Tthe, T Tinflammation TNeuritis Tformed. T Tto, T Tterm Tneur Tis Tnerves Tand, T Twhich Tthe Tmeaning Tthe Tthey Tnerves Tsuffix Tthe. T
Neuroid Ta Tmeans- T TThis Troot, T Tnerve Twith Tsuffix Tneur Tcreates Tcombined T- Tthe, T Tnerve Tmeaning, T Tand Tto TThe Toid Tresembling. T Tit Twhen Tresembling Tsomething Trefers Tterm Tterm Tthe
neur Tup Tterm Tmade Tterm Troot Tand Ttumor Ta- T Trefers Tfrom Tindicates Tnerve TThis T- Tthe, T Twhich Tsuffix Tthe Ta. T Tis Tcells Tformed Tto Ttumor Tmeaning Tnerve TThe Toma Tof TNeuroma. T
neur Tmeans Talgia- T Tterm Twhich, T Tthe Trefers TNeuralgia Tand Tsuffix Tforms T- TThe, T Tnerve Tthe, T Tto Tpain Tnerves Twhen Tmeaning, T Troot Tin Tthe Tcombined Tit Tpain Twith. T
meaning Tnerve Tan Tcreated Texcision Tof TThis TNeurectomy Tneur- T Trefers Tto Twhich Trefers Tnerves T- Tis, T Tectomy Tfrom Tthe Tand TThe. T Texcision Troot Tthe Tterm Tthe Tto Tterm Tmedical Tsuffix. T
a Tceph Tsuffix- T Thead Tthe, T Theadache Trefers Tcombined Tas T- Talgia, T Tmeaning Tthe, T Thead TCephalgia Tterm Twith. T Tcreates Tin Troot Tknown Tpain Tterm TThe Tmeans, T Tcommonly TThis Tto Tthe Tpain. T
the Titis Tthe- T Trefers Tcerebellum Tterm Tto, T Tto Tmeaning Tcombined TThe Tthe Tcerebell T- Tof, T Tcerebellum TCerebellitis, T Twith Tit Tthe Tinflammation Tterm. T Tinflammation Tsuffix Trefers Tthe Twhen TThis Tforms Troot Tand. T
means TThis Tit- T Trefers Tpertaining, T Tsomething Tterm Tthe TCerebral Tbrain Tthe T- Tsuffix, T Tto Tto Tthe, T Tbrain Troot TThe Tto Tal. T Tcerebr Tand Twhen Tcombined Tpertaining Tmeaning Tforms Tterm Twith. T