New Activity
Play Fill in the Blanks Game
Therefore , he concluded the class and all the animals went to play in the yard . Then when they returned

Marta began working the subject of fractions .
" As you know fractions are divided into two parts . For one thing , the number that is called up ____________________ and this number indicates the number of elements that we take .

Furthermore , the number is low is called ____________________ and this number indicates the number total of elements " - explained the professor .

" Take an example with animals found in this class " - continued Marta -

" Let's see , how many animals are in this class ? "

" If they are six deer five hyenas and four brown bears , because in total there ____________________ animal class " - responded .

" Very good " - Marta said - " So that number , what part of the fraction will go ? "

" If there is the total number of animals there will be the ____________________ , therefore we will place ____________________ " - commented .

" Perfect ! ! " - exclaimed Marta - " Now , how many carnivorous animals are in class ? "

" We " - said the ____________________ - " And we ____________________ hyenas in class . "

" And then where will this number ? " - Asked the teacher .

" For this to be the number of carnivorous animals in class is the ____________________ , then go ____________________ " - they commented some animals .

" Very good " - said Marta - " Now that you know what are the fractions , can you tell me what fraction represents the number of herbivores and omnivores are in this class ? " asked Marta .

" As the ____________________ are herbivores that are ____________________ and brown bears are ____________________ which are ____________________ . If we add these two will get a total of ____________________ animals " - commented .

" The total number of animals in class is 15 . So will the 10 in the ____________________ and 15 in the ____________________ " - they concluded .

" Perfect ! " - Exclaimed Marta - "

For now we're done , so see you tomorrow Now you know what are the fractions and classification of animals by feeding !