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Play Crossword Puzzle
1 it's not just a large at a coffee shop, this muscle lives on the posterior ASIS and medially rotates the flexed hip and abducts at the coxal joint
2 Living on the pubic crest and pubic symphysis, this muscle flows to attach at the xiphoid process
3 i am so short on money, my flow is going to the medial lip of the linea aspera and pectineal line
4 I too live on the medial lip of linea aspera, but I grew up in the hood of the pubic tubercle
5 the adductor tubercle is where I aim to flee, living on the cross roads of ramus ischium and ischial tuberosity, all my synergists right next to me
6 I came to the lesser trochanter in hopes of tilting the pelvis anteriorly with fixed intentions
7 Hold onto your ORZO salad, this mythologiccal sounding muscle inserts on the pectenial line of the femur, adducting the leg
8 I am the superior aspect of the greater trochanter and i will move past the anterior surface of the sacrum
9 the deepest muscle on the illium fossa
10 Gracefullness comes from living in the inferior ramus of the pubis, to moving into the pes anserinus tendon at the proximal medial shaft of the tibia