New Activity
Play Matching Pairs

I have a chance to step back from the busyness of life and really reflect on my faith and where I am going in life.

It was totally amazing because there were hundreds of other kids there who believed in God like I do.

The parish sent me a card today.

I get the chance to be together with my friends at church. We always end up learning something and praying together.

We come together once a week to talk about our faith and just pray together.

I was selected to represent my age group. I go to meetings once a month with some other kids and some cool adults, and we set the direction for youth ministry at my parish.

My friends and I go to the church to play ball. Mr. Tom is there and it is a safe place for me to be.

Anna is helping me to learn how to be a lector at Mass.

Sometimes it helps to have time set aside to talk to my dad about important stuff. This really helped.

I had this really big problem, and I talked with this other kid about it, and she helped me to figure out how to handle it.

I can always go there to find out what is happening at the parish and in youth ministry. Sometimes I check out the Scripture readings for the coming week and do the reflection questions.

I gather with my peers, and we learn more about the Catholic faith.


Youth Group

Religious Education

Prayer Group

Sports League



Birthday Card Program

Peer Ministry

Parent/Teen Programs

Youth Ministry Website

Leadership Team