New Activity
Play Fill in the Blanks Game
So ____________________ what
you're ____________________ here ! ?

Well , not ____________________ .

____________________ , then ?

____________________ . I thought
I might do some ____________________ .

Such ____________________ creatures
and all you men can
____________________ of is ____________________ them . . .

You seemed to ____________________
yours . . . !

Was it ____________________ . . the
duck . . . ?

____________________ . . . not local !

You won't find much duck
here . . . ____________________ too ____________________ .
Oh , you ____________________ go much
____________________ east . . .

The ____________________ , even . . .

And leave the
____________________ for
us to ____________________ about . . .

After all - these are
____________________ territorial ____________________ .