New Activity
Play Fill in the Blanks Game
In the 1800's , the industrial ____________________ was changing the ____________________ way of life as more and more ____________________ were being built in the north . Despite the changes of the times ____________________ remained the most common way of life in the ____________________ . Northerners wanted to ____________________ their products made in their ____________________ in the South but it was often ____________________ for Southerns to buy things from ____________________ from Europe . To help Northern industries , President Jackson put a ____________________ on imported goods in 1828 . This Tariff would make European goods very ____________________ . "

Southerns were ____________________ by the tariff and the ____________________ in the cost of goods that they were ____________________ . This anger grew into what is known as the ____________________ controversy . Many southerners wanted to ____________________ , do ____________________ with the ____________________ . South Carolina passed the " Ordinance of ____________________ in 1832 and threaten to ____________________ , withdraw , from the Union . The crisis ended when Congress agreed to ____________________ the tariff .

This is important because it ____________________ how strongly the south felt about ____________________ rights and how far they were willing to go in order to ____________________ their way of ____________________ and ____________________ and ____________________ identity .

Adapted from " 8th Grade Social Studies , by Carole Marsh "