New Activity
Play Fill in the Blanks Game
1 . Instrumental Music in the Classical period .
This is a period in which the instrumental music develops to a high level . The most important form is the ____________________ , many of them written by composers such as ____________________ and ____________________ .
The size of the orchestra changes , ____________________ the number of instruments and new ones are brought into it . There are three families of instruments : ____________________ , ____________________ , ____________________ and ____________________ .

2 . Vocal music in the Classical period .
In the Baroque period , the ____________________ became an essencial way of expression . In the Classical period the plots move from ____________________ themes to plots ____________________ to the audience . While the ____________________ opera is declining , we will see the rise of the ____________________ opera .

3 . Classical instruments .
Regarding the string family , the most important innovation in this period was the ____________________ , invented in ____________________ by ____________________ , which took over with the ____________________ . This instrument desappeared during the Classical Period .
On the other hand plucked , instruments such as the ____________________ and the ____________________ were used as well .
As far as wind instruments are concerned , the ____________________ and the ____________________ were brought into the orchestra .
Finally , percussion instruments such as ____________________ , ____________________ and ____________________ were also played in the orchestra .