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How long should a toddlers naps last each day?

What percent of children ages 2-5 are considered obese?

What is an activity that is effective for toddlers exercising?

What are the 6 ways to eat well on the cheap?

What are the 5 food groups?

At what age can children recognize food by sight, smell and taste?

What are the five ways your can save money and still enjoy healthy food?

Where can you receive a free community meal?

What are six gross motor skills?

How many hours of sleep should a child get in 24 hours?

How can you help your toddler strengthen their stomach muscles?

What can you use to make a tennis racket for your child?


1. Cut the Junk 2. Eat out Less 3. Stick to the List 4. Shop Perimeter of the Store First 5. Cook Larger Portions

1 year

Throwing a ball

Sacred Heart

A Spatula

Fine motor skill

1. Shop wisely 2. Find cheaper protein options 3. Buy in bulk 4. Stretch your money when you cook 5. Always measure 6. Avoid habit buying

Walking jumping skipping throwing catching squatting

Gross motor skill


1-3 hours

Have them sit up on their knees while you sing a song or read a book.

Dairy, Fruits, Vegetables, Grains, Protein