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Play Fill in the Blanks Game
There are many ____________________ that contribute ____________________ good leadership .
____________________ can become a good leader .
Good communication skills need to be ____________________ to effectively become a good leader or manager .
If employees have no idea what is on your mind , your leadership is going to ____________________ . Employees are not typically ____________________ ____________________ .
Many leaders try to motivate the old - fashioned way through ____________________ .
Challenge your employees with tasks that may be slightly out of their ____________________ ____________________ and let them at it !
A good leader recognizes that his or her employees are more than just ____________________ , they are ____________________ too .
Employees need to be ____________________ to do more .
Use other people's potential to your ____________________ .
The more you continually ____________________ yourself and your practices , and search for as much information on leadership as possible , the more you will be able to keep up with changing times and the ____________________ leader you will be for it .