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1 It is a biochemical process that occurs in the cells. It is the final metabolic process (catabolism) of cellular respiration, after glycolysis and the citric acid cycle
2 The main source of energy for muscle contraction is adenine triphosphate (ATP). The amount of ATP containing muscles is sufficient to maintain maximum muscle power during about three seconds
3 When a person performs a physical effort for many tens of minutes, the energy that is used by your muscles do, result from the combination of oxygen with sugars as well as fats
4 Is a molecule used by all living to provide energy in chemical reactions organisms.
5 It is the point from which the body is unable to neutralize and recycle lactic acid secreted by muscle cells, so it starts to accumulate in our muscles and our performance down
6 Anaerobic because it does not use oxygen, and Lactic operation because lactic acid is produced; Glucose as an energy substrate is used
7 Physical activity is defined as any bodily movement produced by skeletal muscles that requires spending energy
8 Used during exercise depends on the type, intensity and duration of physical activity. Depending on the sport in question basically three power supply systems will be acting for the performance of the individual: ATP -CP Anaerobic System - aerobic system
9 It occurs when the muscles cannot exert normal force, or when more effort than usual is required to achieve a desired level of force
10 It serves as a source phosphoryl groups for rapid synthesis of ATP from ADP. PCr concentration in skeletal muscle is about 30 mM, more or less 10 times the concentration of ATP, and other tissues as in smooth muscle
11 It is the pathway by which degrades glycogen to glucose obtaining a fast, this is stimulated by low levels of glucose, glucagon, and catecholamines (adrenaline, noradrenaline and norepinephrine)
12 Carbohydrates are one of the main nutrients in our food. These help provide energy to the body
13 They are fusiform myocyte is a multinucleated cell and with contractility and which comprises muscle tissue.
14 Cell tiny double membrane structure responsible for the conversion of nutrients in the energy rich compound triphosphate adenosine (ATP) , which acts as a fuel cell
15 The white fibers, present in white muscles, are larger in diameter, have fewer myoglobin and fewer mitochondria are arranged preferably between the myofibrils, the band level I
16 Metabolism refers to all the physical and chemical processes in the body that convert or use energy, such as :Breathing, Blood circulation, Regulation of body temperature, muscle contraction, Digesting food and nutrients, Eliminating waste through urine and feces, Functioning of the brain and nerves
17 Lactic acid is mainly produced in muscle cells and red blood cells. Said acid is formed when the body breaks down carbohydrates to use as energy when oxygen levels are low
18 This metabolic pathway is the third stage of cellular respiration, the process of energy production in cells. Part of aerobic respiration, ie, is performed in the presence of oxygen and develops between glycolysis processes and respiratory chain
19 which are abundant in red muscles are small diameter and contain large amounts of myoglobin and numerous mitochondria, which are arranged in rows between the myofibrils
20 As primary reserve polysaccharide of animal cells , is the nutritional reservoir in animal tissues , because of its ability to store glucose rapid mobilization , either in the interdigestive periods or while muscle activity occurs , and moreover , and precisely because of their storage capacity