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We wrote a letter to everybody,

I stayed at home

She didn't marry him

He called her five times,

I really liked the movie

Romeo told Juliet that her spaghetti sauce was terrible;

An intensive course is a great way to learn English fast,

I love my dog,

He could read and write

They were happy with their marks after the test,

I wanted to give him some money after he helped me with the car,

so that they had all the necessary information.

though they expected them to be a bit higher.

because it was raining.

but I hate it when he eats the roll of toilet paper.

although it can be very tiring at times.

despite being blind.

however he absolutely refused to accept it.

but she didn't pick up the phone.

as a result, Romeo now cooks for himself.

because she wasn't in love.

even though it got bad reviews.