New Activity
Play Fill in the Blanks Game
1 . - She was ____________________ ____________________ you
2 . - I always ____________________ ____________________ early
3 . - The teacher tell us to ____________________ ____________________
4 . - My car ____________________ ____________________ , I'll have to fix it
5 . - Please ____________________ ____________________ and eat before the food gets cold .
6 . - When Jack ____________________ ____________________ he wants to be a fireman .
7 . - It was so hot in the church that an elderly lady ____________________ ____________________ .
8 . - That bully will ____________________ ____________________ being mean to my little brother .
9 . - We ____________________ ____________________ of shampoo so I had to wash my hair with soap .
10 . - My plane ____________________ ____________________ in five minutes .
11 . - Your mother wants you to ____________________ the TV ____________________ and come for dinner .
12 . - I always ____________________ ____________________ by doing sit - ups before I go for a run .