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1 Any change in the environment, whether adverse or beneficial, wholly or partially resulting from the environmental aspects of an organization; Environmental aspect understood as the element of the activities, products or services that can interact with the environment.
2 It is the gaseous envelope , about 2,000 km thick, surrounding the earth . The most important layer is the troposphere because it contains the air we breathe and it weather phenomena affecting climate occur
3 the second unit of the course is study , assessment or environmental management plan?
4 It is the science that studies the population , both in quantitative and the qualitative .
5 It is the whole environment, watching it as an indicator and synthesis of the interrelationships between the inert elements ( rocks, water and air) and living organisms (plants , animals and man) , the medium.
6 It contains the characteristics, intentions , content, strategies, learning activities
7 They are diagrams make up the causes of the impacts and consequences, by identifying the interrelationships between activities or actions impacted causal and environmental factors, including those representing their secondary and tertiary effects .
8 It is the probability that a phenomenon arises , exceeding a certain magnitude , at a specific location and within a defined time period
9 It is undesirable for all sound perceiver
10 how many credits include the course of the implementation of environmental management plans