New Activity
Play Fill in the Blanks Game
A - May I ____________________ your ____________________ ?

B - Yes . ____________________ like the ____________________ and a side order of ____________________ .

A - And what ____________________ you ____________________ to drink ?

B - I'd like a ____________________ of ____________________ , please .

A - And what would ____________________ ____________________ to ____________________ ?

C - I'll take the ____________________ and a ____________________ .

A - ____________________ would ____________________ like to drink ?

C - Just ____________________ , please .

( after the meal )

A - ____________________ you like something for ____________________ ?

B - Yes , ____________________ have the cake , please . ____________________ you like ____________________ ?

C - No thanks . I'm ____________________ .

( after dessert )

B - Could ____________________ have the ____________________ , please ?

A - Yes , ____________________ it is .

B - Hmmm . $23 . 55 . Here ____________________ are .

A - Thank you . ____________________ again .

B - Thank you . ____________________