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1 Is an organ that is part of the digestive tract of humans and four-legged animals (except horses and deer). It is located below the liver.
2 This bone is a long, italics "S"-shaped bone located in the anterosuperior's chest.
3 Is an infectious disease caused by the varicella-zoster virus, belonging to the family of the herpes virus, which also causes herpes zoster. It occurs mainly in children aged between one and nine years old. Infection in adolescents and adults tends to be more severe and are at greater risk of complications such as interstitial lung disease.
4 Is a muscle-membranous hollow organ that is part of the urinary tract and which receives urine from the ureters, stores it and out through the urethra to the outside of the body during urination
5 Are the most important organs of the urinary system, are responsible for filtration, absorption and reabsorption of water, salts and ions that arrive for the production of urine, are pairs of Jewish or bean-shaped.
6 Is the tube that passes urine in their final phase of the urinary from the urinary bladder to the outside of the body during urination. This duct is shared by the urinary system and player.
7 Is an extrusion of small in the more or less central part of the breast or breast that contains between 15 and 20 milk ducts arranged around it, surrounded by an area of sensitive skin, with a darker pigmentation known as areola.
8 Varies according to the genetics and nutrition. The particular human genome that an individual transmits the first variable and a combination of health and environmental factors, such as diet, exercise and living conditions present before adulthood, when the growth stops, constitute the environmental determinant.
9 Is the area of the human body that lies beneath the union between the shoulder and the arm
10 Occurs at times repetitive and sudden spasmodic contraction of the chest cavity resulting in a violent release of air from the lungs, which produces a sound characteristic
11 Is the main muscular organ of the circulatory system in all animals that possess a circulatory system (including all vertebrates). In the human being is a hollow and pyramidal muscle located in the thoracic cavity. It functions as a pump suction and discharge, pumping blood throughout the body.
12 Is the region of the body between the base of the neck and shoulders to the abdomen, on the front, opposite the back.
13 Is the part of the body that meets the thigh with the torso. It presents a large number of apocrine sweat glands.
14 Is a sensory and emotional experience (subjective), unpleasant, they can experience all those living beings that have a central nervous system. It's associated with a lesion tissue or expressed as if it did exist.
15 Is the most voluminous of the viscera and one of the most important because of its metabolic activity. It is a glandular organ is awarded to that very important functions, such as the synthesis of plasma proteins, detoxifying function, storing vitamins and glycogen, as well as secretion of bile, among others.
16 Are anatomical structures of endodermal embryonic origin, belonging to the respiratory system, she is located in the ribcage, delimiting the mediastinum on both sides.