New Activity
Play Fill in the Blanks Game
Colorado Springs : A guy ____________________ ( to walk ) into a little corner store with a shotgun and ____________________ ( to demand ) all the cash from the cash drawer . After the cashier ____________________ ( to put ) the cash in a bag , the robber ____________________ ( to see ) a bottle of scotch that he ____________________ ( to want ) behind the counter on the shelf . He ____________________ ( to tell ) the cashier to put it in the bag as well , but he ____________________ ( to refuse ) and said " Because I don't believe you are over 21 . " The robber ____________________ ( to say ) he ____________________ , but the clerk still ____________________ ( to refuse ) to give it to him because he didn't believe him . At this point the robber ____________________ ( to take ) his drivers' license out of his wallet and gave ( to give ) it to the clerk . The clerk looked ( to look ) it over , and agreed ( to agree ) that the man was ( to be ) in fact over 21 and he put ( to put ) the scotch in the bag . The robber then ran ( to run ) from the store with his loot . The cashier promptly called ( to call ) the police and gave ( to give ) the name and address of the robber , that he got ( to get ) off the license . They arrested ( to arrest ) the robber two hours later .