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Ribosome: This organelle makes proteins.

Cytoplasm: This is the gel-like liquid that fills up the inside of ALL cells. It helps keep the organelles in place.

Eukaryotic Cell

NucleusL the control center of the cell. it controls all processes and reproduction of the cell.

Lysosome: This organelle contains enzymes and can break down bacteria, old or broken organelles, and other waste materials.

Diffusion: Passive transport when molecules move from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration.

Centrioles: This organelle looks like a bunch of sticks and helps with the cell dividing/reproducing.

Passive transport-What is it?

Chloroplast: This organelle performs photosynthesis, which is the process that makes food for a plant cell.

Endoplasmic Reticulum: has two parts to it-rough and smooth. Rough ER: makes proteins and lipids; has ribosomes on it. Smooth ER: makes lipids, hormones, and detoxifies. No ribosomes on it.

Mitochondria: This organelle makes ATP molecules, which contain energy for the cell.

Osmosis: the diffusion of water. There are three types of osmosis that can occur: Hypotonic solutions, hypertonic solutions, and isotonic solutions.

Cell/Plasma Membrane: This organelle wraps around the cell and is SELECTIVELY PERMEABLE (decides what can come in and out of the cell).

Active Transport-What is it?

Prokaryotic cell

Golgi Body/Complex/Apparatus: receives proteins and lipids from the ER, packages them up, and ships them in or outside of the cell.

Transport into and out of the cell that DOES require energy.

Transport into and out of a cell that does not require any energy.