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Lowered taxes on British Tea in order to break citizens from the tea boycotts and sell more British products

Closed Boston Harbor to trade and took away colonists right to assemble.

This event was a cause of the Revolution because it lead to debt and taxes for the colonists.

Type of protest where citizens refuse to buy certain goods, participate in certain activities, etc.

Sons of Liberty

Proclamation of 1763

A tax on printed documents

A set of taxes on lead, glass, paper, tea, paint, etc.

Name given to a meeting held to discuss political ideas.

Quartering Act

Declaratory Act

A tax on molasses

Said that Britain had full law-making and decision-making power over the colonies.

Townshend Acts

Kept colonists from moving west of the Appalachian Mountains

Intolerable Acts

Tea Act

Stamp Act

A group of Patriots who used acts of violence and terrorism to voice their political opinions against Britian.


French and Indian War

Sugar Act


Made colonists feed and house British troops in their homes.