New Activity
Play Fill in the Blanks Game
Karana found that the ____________________ was the most terrible time of all . Of the 42 men of the village , only ____________________ remained after the fight with the Aleuts . The people wished to go to an island called Santa ____________________ . The new chief's name was ____________________ . Ulape and Karana were given the task of gathering ____________________ . After some arguing , the chief decided that the men would ____________________ and the women ____________________ . After the food had been stored for autumn , a sort of ____________________ came over the village . Finally , the chief decided to go to an island to the ____________________ of where they lived . He took ____________________ baskets of water and food to last many days .
When the chief had been gone for ____________________ moon they began to watch for his return . The people knew , too , that they would need to be careful of ____________________ . The people were also fearful that the ____________________ might return . Instead of these people returning , however , a ship carrying ____________________ men from an island to the east landed . The ship had come to take them from ____________________ - ____________________ .