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1 Political pamphlet, written by Karl Marx with the assistance of Friedrich Engels, which proclaimed that the history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles and that the inevitable victory of the proletariat, or working class, would put end to class society forever.
2 Federation of workers´ group that, despite ideological divisions within its ranks, had a considerable influence as a unifying force for labour in Europe during the latter part of the 19th century.
3 This period began when Isabel II was deposed.
4 Product of the Cortes of Cadiz, it recognized individual rights and established national sovereignty and the division of powers.
5 This was the start of the Chartist movement, which demanded universal male suffrage and secret ballots.
6 Period in which the liberals only managed to gain power during the reign of Ferdinand VII.
7 The sale of property belonging to the nobility, the Church and municipalities by auction. the objectives were to obtain resources for the State and to allow the peasants to own land.
8 A popular protest against the policies of Godoy, and caused by the installation of French troops in Spain.
9 It means that only the upper classes could vote.
10 They transformed much of the rural landscape and helped to stimulate agricultural productivity, requiring that private lands be fenced off from common lands.
11 It was formed by the absolutist regimes in Europe and they sent troops to Spain to reestablish absolutism during the reign of Ferdinand VII.
12 The belief that your country has the right to exist on its own.
13 Medieval system by which peasants were tied to their land and their lord through serfdom.
14 They were created to improve working conditions, achieve political rights, and organize negotiations, demonstrations and strikes.
15 A confrontation between the absolutists, who supported Don Carlos, and the liberals, who supported Isabel II.
16 Developed among others by Proudhon and Bakunin, proposed the abolition of the State.
17 Developed by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, proposed a revolution by the proletariat, led by the socialist party, which would give power to the proletariat.
18 Lifestyle in Europe before industrial and French revolution that was attacked by the Enlightenment.
19 It did not allow women to inherit the throne.
20 A medieval association of craftsmen or merchants.