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We will study for the final test on Saturday night. Would you join us?

I am going to the movies to watch Titanic. Would you like to go to watch it with me?

Honey, I do not want to cook dinner tonight. Would you cook something for me?

I will travel to Nicaragua next weekend. Would you go with me? I will pay everything.

We are going to have a party tonight. Would you and your friends like to come?

Hey Hana! I am going to have lunch now. Would you take a seat with me?

Hello Mary Anne. Would you like to go for an ice cream this afternoon?

I will have my English oral exam tomorrow, and I need to approve the level. Would you practice English with me?

Would you accept to go to the graduation dancing with me?

I would like to have a pet. Mom, would you allow me to have a dog?

I would love it, but I am not so good at English.

I´m so sorry, but we have plans for tonight. We would like next time.

Hello Dave! Unfortunately, I am on diet, and I am going to print a document for the boss.

Well, I think that I prefer to study alone. It is better for me.

I would, but you have to ask your father first.

No, I would not. Actually, I will go with your cousin.

Yes. I would. What would you want to eat?

Of course. I would love it. What do I need for the trip?

I would go, but I would not watch that film. Would you like to watch another film?

No, I would not. I will have a date with my boyfriend this afternoon.