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I'VE FOUND that a substantial fraction of many people's days is spent worrying about what others think of them . If nobody ever worried about what was in other people's ____________________ , we'd all be 33 percent more effective in our lives and on our ____________________ .

How did I come up with 33 ____________________ ? I'm a scientist . I like exact numbers , even if I can't always ____________________ them . So let's just run with 33 percent .

I used to tell anyone who worked in my ____________________ group : ? You don't ever have to worry about what I'm thinking . ____________________ or bad , I'll let you know what's in my head . ?

That meant when I wasn't happy about ____________________ , I spoke up , often directly and not always tactfully . But on the positive side , I was able to ____________________ people : ? If I haven't said anything , you have nothing to worry about . ?

Students and ____________________ came to appreciate that , and they didn't waste a lot of time obsessing over ? What is Randy thinking ? ? Because mostly , what I was thinking was this : I have people on my team who are 33 percent more ____________________ than everyone else . That's what was in my head .