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I GOT TENURE a year earlier than people usually do . That seemed to impress other junior faculty ____________________ .

? Wow , you got ____________________ early , ? they'd say to me . ? What was your secret ? ?

I said , ? It's pretty simple . Call me any Friday night in my office at ten ____________________ and I'll tell you . ? ( Of course , this was before I had a family . )

A lot of people want a ____________________ . I find the best shortcut is the long way , which is basically two words : work hard .

As I see it , if you work more ____________________ than somebody else , during those hours you learn more about your craft . That can make you more efficient , more able , even happier . Hard work is like ____________________ interest in the bank . The rewards build faster .

The same is true in your life outside of your job . All my ____________________ life I've felt drawn to ask long - married couples how they were able to stay together . All of them said the same thing : ? We ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ . ?