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Play Fill in the Blanks Game
NOT LONG after I got tenure at the ____________________ of Virginia , I took my entire fifteen - person research team down to Disney World for a week as my way of saying ____________________ ____________________ .

A fellow professor took me aside and said , ? Randy , how could you do that ? ? Perhaps he thought I was setting a ____________________ that other soon - to - be - tenured professors would be unwilling to equal .

? How could I do that ? ? I answered . ? These people just worked their butts off and got me the best job in the ____________________ for life . How could I not do that ? ?

So the sixteen of us headed down to Florida in a large van . We had a ____________________ blast , and I made sure we all got some ____________________ with our entertainment , too . A long the way , ?

The Disney trip was gratitude easily delivered . It was a ____________________ gift , and it was perfect because it was an experience I could share with people I cared about .

Not everyone is so easily ____________________ , however .

One of my greatest mentors was Andy van Dam , my computer science professor when I was at Brown . He gave me wise ____________________ . He changed my life . I could never adequately pay him back , so I just have to pay it forward .

I always liked telling my students : ? Go out and do for others what somebody did for you . ? Riding down to Disney World , talking to my students about their dreams and goals , I was trying my best ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ .