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1 Repetitive, stereotyped and involuntary movements and the emission of vocal sounds called tics.
2 Affects the structures and the meaning of words by fusing different languages like Spanish and Catalan
3 It is a disorder of childhood that leads to poor coordination and clumsiness.
4 Is characterized by intact auditory comprehension, fluid speech production, but poor speech repetition.
5 Limit or prevent the persons concerned from communicating normally.
6 This syndrome is often considered a form of high functioning autism. It can lead to difficulty for social interaction, repetition of behavior and clumsiness.
7 Normal ability of the muscles to move an extremity alternately in opposite directions by flexion and extension.
8 s the loss of ability to produce or understand language, due to injuries in brain areas specializing in these functions.
9 It is a genetic disorder in which a person has 47 chromosomes instead of the usual 46.
10 the mental perception of depth or three-dimensionality by the senses, usually in reference to the ability to perceive the form of solid objects by touch.
11 Unites objects like letters, shapes, numbers or names of people with a sensory perception like smell, color or flavor
12 Are alterations in the articulation of some or some phonemes either by absence or alteration of some specific speech sounds or by the substitution of these by others, improperly, in people who do not show pathologies of the central nervous system, nor in the phonoarticulatory organs At the anatomical level.
13 Memory disorder or weakness
14 Characterized by a loss of the complete or partial voice, produced by an excessive use of the vocal cords, alterations of the larynx or by psychological causes.
15 Muscle weakness and loss of muscle tissue, which worsen over time.
16 Alterations of language characterized by stumbles, spasms and repetitions due to an imperfect coordination of the ideomotor functions cerebral.
17 Inability to learn to read and relate sounds to writing, in dysmusia there is no ability to read a musical notation in a logical way.
18 Psychological disorder characterized by the intense concentration of a person in his own inner world and the progressive loss of contact with external reality.