New Activity
Play Fill in the Blanks Game
My name ____________________ John . I ____________________ fifteen years old . I live on a farm . It ____________________ in the country . It ____________________ quiet in the country . It ____________________ ____________________ loud in the country .
I wake up early . Sometimes , I wake up before the sun rises . Sometimes , it ____________________ still dark when I wake up . But I don't mind . I like waking up early . I like the way the country looks in the morning .
The first thing I do after I wake up is milk the cow . After I ____________________ finished milking the cow , I bring the milk to my mom . I think she uses it to make breakfast . She makes a delicious breakfast . My mom ____________________ a really good cook .
The last thing I do , ____________________ feed the chickens , That ____________________ easy . I just throw some food down on the ground and they run out and eat it . While the chickens are eating . I go into their house to collect their eggs . Chicken eggs ____________________ really good to eat . They ____________________ easy to cook too . That ____________________ what I do in the mornings . I ____________________ pretty busy .