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1 (RS) is the major store of intracellular calcium in the striated muscle and plays an important role in the regulation of the coupling-excitation-contraction (AEC) process in skeletal and cardiac muscle, regulating intracellular calcium concentrations during contraction And muscle relaxation
2 : Has the function of distributing nutrients, oxygen to the cells and collecting the metabolic wastes that are to be eliminated later by the kidneys, in the urine, and by the air exhaled in the lungs, rich in carbon dioxide (CO2).
3 an electric shock wave traveling along the cell membrane, are caused by an exchange of ions across the membrane of the neuron
4 is the physiological process in which the muscles develop tension and are shortened or stretched (or they can remain of the same length) by reason of a previous extension stimulus
5 junction or neuromuscular synapses is the union between the axon of a neuron (of a motor nerve) and an effector, which in this case is a muscle fiber.
6 The idea of the energy continuum is based on the fact that the capacity of any energy system to supply ATP
7 : are one of the most conspicuous organelles of the cytoplasm and are found in almost all eukaryotic cells
8 : is a membranous organ which is found in the center of eukaryotic cells. It contains most of the cellular genetic material, organized into multiple long linear DNA molecules, forming complexes with a variety of proteins such as histones to form chromosomes.
9 : Is the science whose object of study are the functions of organic beings.
10 is a set of physical and chemical processes that occur in cells, which convert nutrients from food into the energy necessary for the body to fulfill all its vital functions, such as breathing, digestion, circulating blood, Maintain body temperature and remove debris (through urine and faeces)
11 : are organelles of cells. In these structures lacking membrane the last steps of the synthesis of the proteins are carried out
12 are bands of elastic tissue that, in most cases, bind the bones in the joints.
13 : is physical exercise that includes short, force-based activities such as sprints or weightlifting, while aerobic exercise focuses on endurance activities such as marathon or cross-country cycling. Anyway, the first stage of any exercise is anaerobic.
14 Is a planned, structured and repetitive physical activity performed to maintain or improve a physical form, using a set of body movements that are performed for that purpose
15 are fibrocartilages in the form of a semiluna that fill the spaces between articular surfaces of the body and have the function of stabilizing the joint and serve as a "stop" for the exaggerated movements of the same; Also absorb shock impact between the articular surfaces, increasing the contact surface
16 is the ability to perform a physical work or a movement, as well as the power or effort to hold a body or resist a push
17 is known as the anatomical, physiological and origin unit of every living being. Each cell is a portion of constituted and organized matter capable of developing all activities associated with life: nutrition, relationship and reproduction, so that it can be considered a being with a life of its own
18 : are secreted by specialized cells located in endocrine glands (ductless), or by epithelial cells and interstitial substances whose purpose is to influence the function of other cells
19 are a part of the body, more specifically, muscle tissue that, unlike the red part of the muscle, are hard and not flexible
20 : is a physical exercise that needs the breath to be performed. Aerobic exercises include any type of exercise that is performed at moderate levels of intensity for extended periods of time, which maintains a higher heart rate
21 are tissues of the human body composed of muscle fibers, which contract during body movements. There are 656 muscles in the human body and they are of three types
22 A set of fibers of a particular type that drives impulses between the central nervous system and different parts of the body. This group has the form of a whitish cord and the ability to transmit electrical waves (nerve impulses or action potentials) at high speed.