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1 Is the main store of intracellular calcium in the striated muscle and plays an important role in the regulation of the coupling-excitation-contraction process
2 Is the physiological process in which the muscles develop tension and are shortened or stretched or can remain of the same length by reason of a previous extension stimulus
3 Is a wave of electric shock traveling along the cell membrane, are caused by an exchange of ions across the membrane of the neuron
4 Is a system that explains the relationship between ATP resynthesis and the intensity and duration of physical activity
5 Cardiovascular is an adjective that is used in the field of medicine to make mention of that linked to the circulatory system and the heart
6 Is the union between the axon of a neuron and an effector, which in this case is a muscle fiber. In the neuromuscular junction they intervene: a presynaptic neuron
7 Cytoplasmic organism of eukaryotic cells, ovoidally, formed by a double membrane whose main function is the production of energy through the consumption of oxygen, and the production of carbon dioxide and water as products of cellular respiration
8 Union of the muscle at the less mobile bone point; That is to say to the union of the muscle with the bone that less moves of the two that unites the muscle
9 Set of chemical and biological changes that occur continuously in the living cells of an organism
10 Part of the biology that studies the organs of living beings and their functioning
11 A process by which the body breaks down fuels with the help of oxygen to generate energy
12 Is physical exercise that includes short, force-based activities such as sprints or weightlifting while aerobic exercise focuses on endurance activities such as marathon or cross-country cycling
13 Band of very solid and elastic fibrous connective tissue that connects bones among them in the bosom of a joint
14 Structures that are located within the joint, are designed to improve joint function
15 It is a small organelle composed of RNA and proteins whose function is to collaborate in the translation, a stage of protein synthesis
16 Ability to perform physical work or movement, as well as the power or effort to hold a body or resist a push
17 Are those substances or products of the secretion of certain glands of the body of animals, people or plants, which are transported by blood or, failing that, by the sap, function to regulate the activity of other organs
18 Physical exercise with moderate intensity and long duration
19 Conjunctive fibers that connects muscles to bones
20 Tissues of the human body composed of muscle fiber, contracting during movements
21 Elements of the peripheral nervous system in charge of transporting the nerve impulses throughout the body
22 Physical activity that is done to preserve or recover health or to prepare for a sport.
23 Membranous structure that has the function of exerting a control on the activities of the cells and of conserving the integrity of the genes
24 Anatomical unit of all living organisms, usually microscopic, formed by a membrane that surrounds it, one or more nuclei and cytoplasm