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1 Is now considered one of the first manifestations of vascular disease and atherosclerosis.
2 Is the number of calories per gram of each meal. It is the relation between the calories that the food has on the volume of the same. To know how much each food has, you should look at the labels and look for the calories per serving and how many grams the serving weighs.
3 Is a disease in which plaque deposits inside the arteries. Arteries are blood vessels that carry oxygen-rich blood to the heart and other parts of the body. The plaque is composed of fats, cholesterol, calcium and other substances found in the blood.
4 Cardiometabolic are those diseases that can trigger other complications, such as blindness, neuropathy, heart disease, cerebrovascular events, heart attacks and fractures.
5 An ultra marathon, ultra-deep or ultra-distance is any race or course (official or not, organized or simply improvised) that exceeds the official marathon distance, ie 42 km 195 m. This is in theory, although in practice it is accepted as an ultra marathon at distances greater than or equal to 50 km.
6 Are a type of fat that is found in the blood. Too much fat can increase the risk of coronary artery disease, especially in women.
7 Anthropometry is a method to estimate body composition, where measurements are quantified and we use the anatomical model of fractionation in 5 components
8 Any pharmacologically active substance which has the property of lowering blood lipid levels. In the anatomical, therapeutic and chemical classification system, they form a homogeneous group called C10.
9 Calisthenics is a training methodology in which the interest is in the movements of muscle groups, rather than in the power and or gain of strength or muscle mass. The goal is the acquisition of grace and beauty in the exercise.
10 Harmful is an adjective that refers to that which can cause harm or is negative for something or someone. The concept is associated with damages, which are certain drawbacks that it is possible to experience.
11 It is a greasy waxy substance that naturally exists in all parts of the body. The body needs certain amount of cholesterol to function properly. But excess cholesterol in the blood, combined with other substances, can attach to the walls of the arteries
12 Substances that indicate a biological state are biochemical, physiological or morphological. Are indicators that can be measured objectively, which would indicate that a biological process is normal or pathological
13 It is a rule or an instruction that is taken into account to do one thing. It is also about what determines how something will occur. The guidelines, therefore, lay the foundation for the development of an activity or a project.
14 Behavior is the way in which an individual behaves or acts in life or any other social actor. That is to say, behavior is the way of proceeding that the people or organisms have before the different stimuli that receive and in relation to the environment in which they are developed.
15 Communicate or give power to something or increase what you already have.
16 All that means lack of movement, or very little, with respect to a person or animal in general, is said to be sedentary.
17 It is a term of medical and scientific use and serves to indicate the number of people or individuals considered sick or victims of a disease in a certain space and time. Morbidity is, therefore, a statistic of very high importance in order to understand the evolution and progress or regression of a disease, as well as the reasons for its emergence and possible solutions.
18 Fatigue can be a normal and important response to physical exertion, emotional stress, boredom, or lack of sleep. Fatigue is a common symptom and is not usually due to serious illness, but it can be a sign of a more serious physical or mental disorder. When fatigue is not relieved by proper sleep, nourishing well or having a low-stress environment should be evaluated by a physician.
19 It is the enlargement of organs, skin or other parts of the body, caused by the accumulation of fluid in the tissues. The presence of extra fluid can lead to rapid weight gain over a short period (days to weeks). Swelling may occur in the whole body (generalized) or only in a part of it (localized).
20 That produces the pancreas. Many people with diabetes are prescribed insulin, either because their body does not produce insulin (type 1 diabetes) or does not use insulin properly (type 2 diabetes).