New Activity
Play Fill in the Blanks Game
1 . In 1920 a new style of architecture emerged to reflect more idealistic notions for the future . It was known as ____________________

2 . Architects began to explore ways of creating buildings by using the latest technology and materials such as ____________________ , ____________________ and ____________________

3 . The architectural style usually referred to as ____________________ ____________________ was also emerging .

4 . The international style was characterized by the use of new ____________________ and ____________________ ____________________ forms .

5 . By the 1980s the coexistence of different styles of ____________________ in the same building became known as ____________________ - ____________________ .

6 . The trend in architecture now favours smaller scale building design that reflects a growing public awareness of environmental issues such as ____________________ ____________________ .

7 . the ____________________ ____________________ of the 1930s and the ____________________ world ____________________ ( 1939 - 45 ) prevented ideas in architects for new building strategies .

8 . Twentieth century architecture will mainly be remembered for its ____________________ ____________________ .

9 . As construction techniques improved , the ____________________ became a reality .

10 . ____________________ ____________________ ideas were influnced on town planning , every large British city built multi - storey housing estates in the 1960s .