New Activity
Play Fill in the Blanks Game
1 . The Sun and the planets orbiting it make up the ____________________ ____________________ .
2 . The Moon makes one complete ____________________ around the Earth in approximately 27 . 3 days .
3 . It was discovered in the 20th century that the ____________________ is expanding .

1 . The smallest organisms consist of one ____________________ .
2 . there approximately one million known ____________________ of insects of earth .
3 . in the last Biology lesson , we had to draw and label various internal ____________________ : the liver , kidneys , and so on .

1 . Maria Sklodowska - Curie discovered the ____________________ ____________________ polonium and radium .
2 . In 1785 Antoine Lavoisier demonstrated that water is a ____________________ of hydrogen and oxygen .
3 . A ____________________ of hydrochloric acid consists of one atom of hydrogen and one of chlorine .

1 . In secondary school we learned to solve quadratic ____________________ - at least some of us did .
2 . In the expression ax2 + bx + c , a , b , and c are coefficients and x is the ____________________ .
3 . The Cartesian ____________________ ____________________ allows you to describe every point on a plane using a pair of numbers .

1 . ____________________ is the force with which objects with mass attract one another , described by Newton .
2 . The ____________________ of light is constant ; it's value is 299 , 752 , 458 metres per second .
3 . The electron is an ____________________ ____________________ with a negative charge .