New Activity
Play Fill in the Blanks Game
The duck can ____________________ .

My horse likes to ____________________ .

The dolphin likes to ____________________ .

The frog can ____________________ .

My dog ____________________ fast .

The birds like to ____________________ seeds .

The rabbit likes to ____________________ carrots .

The birds like to ____________________ worms .

Kangooros likes to ____________________ and ____________________ .

The turtles can not ____________________ easily but they can ____________________ . .

Hamsters usually ____________________ for two years .

The crows can ____________________ with corns .

My sister can ____________________ .

Natalia always ____________________ with the housework .

My father ____________________ up in Santa Ana .

Marie likes to ____________________ new friends .

My teacher always ____________________ us a lot of homework .

Emily likes to ____________________ and ____________________ .

My cousin ____________________ carefully .