New Activity
Play Fill in the Blanks Game
One of the ____________________ ways to prepare eels is to smoke ____________________ . To do this you gut the eel , peel ____________________ its skin and rub brown ____________________ on the flesh . You then smoke the eel by ____________________ it on a hook in an open - fire ____________________ .

Eels can also be cut crossways into steaks , rubbed ____________________ olive oil and pepper , and fried on the ____________________ . As eel is very rich , you won't need ____________________ to get your fill .

Mature eels leave their freshwater homes and head to ____________________ sea to breed . Early Maori dug long trenches in the ____________________ at the mouth of an estuary , at the point ____________________ eels would pass to reach the ____________________ . Rather than ____________________ out to sea , the trenches led the eel to shallow ____________________ where they were speared , gutted and laid ____________________ on racks to ____________________ . Dried eel ensured a sustained ____________________ supply over ____________________ winter months .