New Activity
Play Matching Pairs

Problem based Learning

Peer Mentoring

Case Studies

Role Play


Learners help other learners through a procedure or skill application. The instructor gives clear expectations of the learners during an activity where the instructor is merely a resource if the learners need it. Instead, the learners help each other using their prior experiences, content knowledge, and procedure knowledge to succeed at the activity.

Collaborative learning opportunities that are designed around solving a problem. Learners need to use knowledge and skills to solve the problem, and some independent research is required for the activity. The instructor needs to ensure the learners have access to everything they need, but during the activity, the instructor acts only as a resource if needed.

Uses conversations in which the instructor merely ensures that the conversation stays on topic, or asks open ended questions to spur deeper thought. Learners use their personal experiences and content knowledge to engage other learners in the exploration of the application and meaning behind a topic.

Real life examples through which to apply skills, behaviors, or procedures. Learners need knowledge of skills, and information, in order to succeed at these activities. The instructor needs to give the learners the information they need to succeed at this activity, and will follow up the activity with questions about the learners’ decisions.

Uses a scenario in which the learners must act out certain behaviors. Learners are asked to apply new perspectives to content and procedures they have learned before the activity. The instructor must create clear expectations to ensure the success of the learners in this activity.