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1 Ability that allows us to make changes in something that was previously planned, thus adapting to the circumstances of our environment is part of the executive functions
2 It is the possibility to execute actions involving a diverse range of movements in which the activity of certain segments, organs or muscle grups interveres
3 Is the inability to rapidly pierform alternating sucessives movements,for example, pronation and supination of the hand
4 Is the acumulation of an excessive amount of spinal brain fluid.
5 Is a motor disorder associated with multiple diverses and disabilities. his origin is in an alteration of the central nervous system tha causes an increase of the muscular tone totally or partially incapacitate the movement of the affected muscles.
6 Also called hypoplasty, designate the growth of a tissue or organ
7 Is an involuntary, rapid and repetitive movement of the eyes. this movement can be side to side
8 A set of symptoms characterized by the abrupt abolition of most brain functions (knowledge, sensitivity, movement) preserve only respiratory and circulatory function
9 cerebellar portion that is between both hemispleres of the brain
10 a set of neorological abnormality produced by a cerebral hemorrhage or an isclemic process