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Anchor : By the year 2025 , the world population ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ to 8 billion . In order ____________________ ____________________ enough food , ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ that 1 billion hectares ( almost 2 . 5 billion acres ) of new land ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ - that ____________________ , if the farming methods that ____________________ ____________________ today ____________________ . Environmentalists ____________________ something ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ if food shortages ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ . That's why the idea of " vertical farming " ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ at an eco - conference this week . Celia Hernandez , our environmental correspondent , ____________________ me . Celia , what ____________________ vertical farming ? And where ____________________ the idea ____________________ from ?
Celia : The idea ____________________ ____________________ by Dickson Despommier , a professor at Columbia University , back in 1999 . Vertical farms ____________________ basically high - rise greenhouses that ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ in cities . So crops ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ - and in water , instead of in ____________________ .
Anchor : And what ____________________ the advantages of ____________________ food in this way ?
Celia : Well , supporters say it's more reliable because crops won't ____________________ ____________________ by weather conditions like ____________________ or ____________________ . It's also more environmentally friendly , because waste ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ and water ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ . And because crops ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ , ____________________ , and ____________________ in the same urban area , transportation costs ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ . So in theory , food ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ , too .