New Activity
Play Crossword Puzzle
1 After 3 months of continuous hard work, everyone deserves a week to ... .
2 By the end of this quarter, I hope to ... to cleaning all the house finally.
3 Rachel decided to ... work earlier than her colleagues and left the building at 4.30pm.
4 I don't think Tim will let those interns do this alone, he'll want to see everything ... himself as well.
5 Don't worry if you're new to smartphones, they'll ... you.
6 I can't believe Sasha is still ... about the prank we pulled on him two weeks ago. Why can't he forget about it?
7 Libby initially dislikes him but he ... her and the two go on a date.
8 Could I ... of the car in front of the hotel?
9 I missed half of the presentation, could you ... me in on what the guy's told you so far?
10 I know you had a horrible 3 months but I think it's time for you to ... yourself together and start living your life again.