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Herd Immunity



Possible Epidemic Vaccination Percentage Level


Vital Signs


viral disease


Epidemic definition

Viral diseases can be spread through...


A harmless dead or weakened virus/bacteria that stimulates a person's immune system to mount defenses against the virus/bacteria

A sub-microscopic particle that must infect living plant or animal cells to reproduce

When below 85-95% of the population is vaccinated against a virus

The only way that a person can become immune to a viral disease is by becoming ill and then recovering (True or False)

As the number of people in the population that are immune to the disease increased the number of people in the population who became sick/ill will

Clues for determining if a person is sick AND what they might be sick with

air, contaminated food, contaminated water, or contaminated surfaces

When 85-95% of the population is vaccinated against a virus

A sickness caused by a virus is called

infectious disease that spreads rapidly and sickens a large number of people

As the number of people in the population that were originally infected increased the number of people in the population who became sick/ill will

The only way that a person can become immune to a viral disease is by becoming ill and then recovering OR by getting a vaccination (True or False)

When a virus/bacteria cannot cause a person to become sick. You are considered __________ to this virus/bacteria