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Play Fill in the Blanks Game
____________________ : The most external organ , air is inhaled and exhaled through nose , has different mechanisms for cleaning and condensing the inhaled air .
The ____________________ are a pair of tubes that carry urine from the kidneys to the urinary bladder .
Small ____________________ : Lies between stomach and large intestine , majority of digestion and absorption takes place here , About 5 meters in length .
Larynx : Also known as sound box , formed of cartilages , connects the trachea to the laryngopharynx .
Trachea : Tubular structure with about 1 inch of diameter , composed of 15 - 20 C shaped cartilages that keep it dilated . The ____________________ connects the larynx to the bronchi and allows air to pass through the neck and into the thorax .
The ____________________ filter metabolic wastes , excess ions , and chemicals from the blood to form urine .
Alveoli : tiny organs that help our body parts get the oxygen that we breathe in and get rid of the carbon dioxide we don't need .
Rectum : The ____________________ is an 8 - inch chamber that connects the colon to the anus . It is the rectum's job to receive stool from the colon , to let the person know that there is some stool to be evacuated , and to hold the stool until evacuation happens .
The ____________________ ____________________ is a sac - like hollow organ used for the storage of urine .
Lungs : Main organs of respiration , two in number ( one on each side of heart ) Conical in shape , divided into lobes . They are the organs of human body where gaseous exchange take place .
Stomach : Muscular , hollow and dilated part of alimentary canal , involved in both mechanical and chemical digestion of food , secretes strong acid and enzymes to aid in digestion of food .
Liver : Produces bile for emulsification of fats .
Pancreas : Secretes pancreatic juice containing different digestive enzymes into the small intestine .
Esophagus : Muscular tube passing the food from pharynx to stomach .
Large ____________________ : Second - to - last part of alimentary canal , main function is to absorb water from indigestible food .
Bronchi and ____________________ : Left and Right divisions of trachea , enters the lungs and divide into secondary bronchi ( ____________________ ) . The main function of the ____________________ and ____________________ is to carry air from the trachea into the lungs .
The ____________________ is the tube through which urine passes from the bladder to the exterior of the body .
Anus : Last part of alimentary canal , opens to outside for ejection of food , Controls the expulsion of feces .