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Goal: to gain economic opportunity and make a decent life for themselves exercising new found freedoms

14th Amendment

Southern laws denying rights to African Americans

Enforcement Acts

Used intimidation and violence to prevent freedmen from using their new rights.



Made Black Codes illegal


Reconstruction Act of 1867

Goal: Punish the South for the war by taking their power and giving rights and power to freedmen

Freedmen's Bureau

the right to vote cannot be denied based on race or color

A Northerner that goes to the South to take advantage of the economic opportunities there after the Civil War.

Gov't agency that helped freedmen with education, health care, and basic needs.

an economic system in the South that came very close to slavery.

13th Amendment

Considered by many to be the end of Reconstruction because of a deal to remove the military from the South

Southern Democrats return to power as Reconstruction winds down.

abolishes slavery

Put federal troops in areas of KKK activity and allowed the federal government to oversee local elections

Hiram Revels

Radical Republicans

15th Amendment


Created five districts in the South to be run by the military

First African American Senator


Civil Rights Act of 1866

Black Codes

Election of Hayes

A southern white that votes republican

grants all rights and privileges of citizenship to those born or naturalized in the United States