New Activity
Play Matching Pairs


Temporal Lobes

Parietal Lobe

Occipital Lobes

Limbic System

cerebrum (cerebral cortex)

THALAMUS does this for the limbic system

Frontal Lobe

AMYGDALA does this for the limbic system

brain stem

HYPOTHALUMUS does this for the limbic system

HIPPOCAMPUS does this for the limbic system

corpus callusum

In the lymbic system this processes emotions and fear learning

Connects the two sides of the brain

associated with movement, orientation, perception of stimuli

associated with perception and recognition of auditory stimuli, memory, and speech

In the lymbic system this is the relay station for all sensory information.

associated with visual processing

Higher level thinking occurs in this part of the brain that has 4 lobes

Emotions occur here

Controls automatic functions like breathing, heart rate, and blood pressure

In the lymbic system this is early storage location for long term memory

In the lymbic system this controls emotions, thirst, hunger, heart rate, breathing

Unconscious thought of movement coordination & balance

Reasoning, planning, parts of speech, movement, emotions, and problem solving